Best of Portland in WW

We are proud to announce that we're Willamette Week's pick for 2010's Best of Portland issue and showcase @ Wonder Ballroom Thursday, July 29th. Expect us to drag out our best rumpshakers and to start springing up with new engagements around town before the Summer's out. Our all-request mobile music video museum format makes it an ideal night out on the town to relive your adolescence in the comfort of your favorite bar. Eat our tweets

So long Fez, Hello Kenton

Sorry to announce that our monthly event on The Fez' third floor, Eye Candy Ass-Shake, has been cancelled indefinitely. We'd like to thank Mike Ackerman and his awesome crew for giving us 15 months' fair "shake" to get it rolling. We had some really memorable, well-attended shows and some lonely downers too. Biggest thanks for everyone who ventured downtown to experience the great projection and dance floor, and to the hosts of the 2nd floor's Dementia, who helped make our night a success by sharing their crowd.
Get the latest video podcast here: Robyn Hitchcock - Balloon Man